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This is important, this is a key resource of my teaching and these are videos that inspire my practice and hopefully my patients:

Video 1: Professor Lorimer Moseley.
An inspiring and 
entertaining Ted talk
explaining the role our brain
plays in protecting us from
Links the amplifying effect
one injury can have on
Video 2: Professor Peter O Sullivan
Real people with Chronic pain
moving beyond their pain.
A great video to dispel some
myths regarding lower back
I attended his workshop in
London 2016, it was a key
learning experience for me. 
Video 3: Dr Howard Schubiner
A deeper look into pain and 
other chronic conditions and 
the role our past conditioning
and stress causes this. 
Explains how pain can become a
learned pathway.
Video 4: Dr Brenee Brown
on Empathy.
A touching video I feel all 
health professionals need to 
watch. I inspires me and keeps
me focused on what's important.
Video 5: Australian Pain Association.
A really quick and easy to watch
video highlighting some key concepts
in addressing chronic pain. 
Video 6: NOI Group
Thought Viruses highlights 
how heavily influential the opinions
and experiences of others can have
on our pain.
Introduces DIMS and SIMS;
a really great concept to take
on board along the path to 
moving out of pain.
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